Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Preparing for Paraguay

In 7 days, 1 hour, and 19 minutes, I will be leaving for Paraguay!  I have over a 24 hour flight and will stop in El Salvador and Peru before finally making it to Asuncion, Paraguay.  With so little time left there is still so much to do to prepare!  I still need my Visa! It is in the process of being processed- but then still has to mailed back to me!  It has been somewhat of a hectic experience to say the least... 

Besides getting my visa, I still need to pack and get a few last minute things in order for the trip...  However, none of this really guarantees that I am really prepared... I am not sure exactly what to expect, other than that my life will be changed and I will need to adjust!  

The change that I am anticipating is the very aspect that makes me both very excited and nervous.  On one hand I am only nervous about a long flight and customs, but even more than that I confess that I am nervous about the frustrations of a language barrier, my first full year of teaching, and being so far away from home.  However, on the other hand I am so excited about experiencing a new culture, being part of the community at ACA, the ministry I will have with my students, and how God will use all of these experiences to deepen my faith and relationship with Him.  I am praying that as God works on changing my life I will be used to change the lives of others for His glory. 

I would greatly appreciate your prayers as I finish up all of the little preparations for my trip and get things in order for leaving and my arrival.  Also please pray for me to have strength and patience in dealing with the adjustments of living in a new culture.  

I am so thankful for all of the support and encouragement that I have been blessed with from friends and family!  I will do my best to keep you all updated and informed about my experiences.  God Bless,


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